24. - 27. JULY 2025 Tickets

House and visitor rules

The festival DAS FEST is organized by Karlsruhe Marketing und Event GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Organizer"). This HBO serves the regulated use and the guarantee of safety and order on the event area used by the Festival DAS FEST. By entering the area covered by the HBO, users and visitors of the Festival DAS FEST acknowledge the validity of the HBO regulated by private law below. If the use is based on a contract concluded with the organizer, compliance with the HBO is additionally guaranteed upon conclusion of the contract, subject to deviating contractual regulations. The contractual users undertake to inform their employees and other persons who gain access to the event premises in the context of the execution of the contract of the HBO and its validity and to oblige them to comply with the HBO.

1. scope of application of the HBO

1.1) The HBO applies to all events of the organizer on the event site (ticket area, children's and youth area as well as sports, entrance and parking area) and is valid for everyone who is in its area of application. This includes all preliminary events as well as the duration of set-up and dismantling.

1.2) By entering the event premises, visitors confirm that they have read and accepted these HBO as binding for them.

2. house right

2.1) The organizer has the sole domiciliary rights on the event premises.

2.2) The instructions of the organizer as well as those of the security organs deployed within the framework of the event (control, security and order services as well as operating teams of the police and other regulatory authorities) must be followed without delay.

2.3) Persons who violate one or more points of this HBO may be expelled from the event premises. The same applies to persons who disobey the orders of the organizer and/or the security bodies deployed within the framework of the event.

3. general conditions of entry

3.1) Only those persons admitted by the organizer have access to the festival DAS FEST. This HBO applies to all areas of DAS FEST, i.e. the ticket area, the children and youth area and the sports area. Only those persons who can present a valid accreditation or a valid admission ticket may be present in the ticket area. Admission tickets are only transferable within the event area in accordance with the rules of the Ticket GTC. Accreditations are not transferable within the ticket area. In the event of misuse or unauthorized transfer of admission tickets, accreditations or passes, these may be confiscated by the organizer without replacement.

3.2) On the event premises, the sale of tickets for the festival DAS FEST by third parties is prohibited contrary to the rules of the Ticket GTC. In case of violation of this, the organizer will make use of its domiciliary rights and issue house bans.

3.3) When visiting the event area, the provisions of the German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG) as well as the information on the protection of minors for visiting the festival DAS FEST, available at http://www.dasfest.de/info/jugendschutz.

3.4) The admission ticket loses its validity upon leaving the event premises, unless the visitor has been issued with a corresponding exit ticket for re-entry, which in conjunction with the original admission ticket entitles the visitor to re-entry, or the leaving of the event premises has been recorded in the electronic access control system and the admission ticket has been authorized in the system for re-entry.

4. admission controls

4.1) Upon entering the event premises, each person is obliged to present their admission ticket or other proof of authorization to the control, security and order service as well as to police officers and other regulatory authorities without being asked to do so and to hand it over for verification upon request. The identity of visitors can be verified by inspecting their identification documents issued by an authority (ID card, passport, driver's license, etc.).

4.2) During the stay on the event premises, the obligation to show and hand over the tickets exists upon corresponding request by the control, security or order service or by employees of the police or other regulatory authorities. It is not necessary to give reasons for the request. Persons who are unable to provide proof of their right of residence will be expelled from the event premises by the control, security or public order service or by police officers or other regulatory authorities if they are found there. Persons who have been banned from the event premises forfeit their right of access and are excluded from events. A refund of the ticket value is excluded in these cases.

4.3) Visitors who are obviously under the influence of alcohol or drugs or who are carrying weapons or dangerous objects as defined in item 6 of this HBO and who do not agree to their seizure by the control, security or order service or by officers of the police or other regulatory authorities are also excluded. A refund of the ticket value is excluded in these cases.

4.4) Visitors who, due to their behavior or other indications or findings, are suspected of having been banned from the event or of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or of carrying weapons or dangerous objects as defined in Section 6 of this HBO are entitled, with their consent, to have their clothing and containers inspected in order to clarify the situation. 6 of this HBO, the security authorities are entitled, with their consent, to inspect their clothing and containers in order to clarify the facts, to determine whether they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, also by using technical means, or, in the case of a possible house ban, to check their identity by inspecting their identification documents. Those who do not give their consent will be excluded from entering the event area and expelled from the event area if they are found there. A refund of the ticket value is excluded in these cases.

4.5) The organizer is against xenophobic, racist, violence glorifying, anti-Semitic, left-wing and right-wing extremist tendencies. Therefore, persons who give the impression of an extreme attitude, especially from their outward appearance in connection with their political attitude, can be excluded from visiting the festival DAS FEST. The external appearance includes in particular typical clothing, also with theme-related characters, where different combinations of numbers or letters make the attitude of the wearer clear. Furthermore, persons who display such an extreme attitude through flags, propaganda material or exclamations may be excluded from attending DAS FEST. A refund of the ticket value is excluded in these cases.

5. conduct within the scope of the HBO

5.1) Everyone must comply with the instructions of the security authorities, the police, the fire brigade, the rescue service and the organiser.

5.2) Everyone must behave in such a way that neither other persons nor objects of significant value are endangered, damaged or - more than is unavoidable under the circumstances - hindered or inconvenienced.

5.3) DAS FEST is a family festival where children and young people can be anywhere.  Due to legislation which, among other things, prohibits the consumption of cannabis in the immediate presence of persons under the age of 18, there is no possibility for legal cannabis consumption on the festival grounds.

5.4) For safety reasons (keeping rescue and escape routes clear), wheelchairs and medically necessary walking aids (walkers, etc.) may only be carried in the hill area and in front of stages within the designated special areas. Visitors in wheelchairs may only use the spaces provided for wheelchairs. The control, security and order service is therefore authorized, in coordination with the Disabled Persons' Representative, to assign visitors an appropriate placement.

5.5) All entrances and exits as well as escape and rescue routes must be kept clear. Marked escape routes and escape doors must not be obstructed or obstructed or their function altered in any way. Escape routes may only be opened in an emergency.

5.6) All fire protection equipment, hydrants, electrical distribution boxes and switchboards as well as telephone distributors must remain freely accessible and unobstructed. This applies in particular to emergency routes.

5.7) If personal injury or damage to property occurs, this must be reported immediately to the organizer or the security service.

5.8) Within the scope of this HBO, unmanned aerial systems (drones) are prohibited from taking off, flying and landing.

5.9) For safety reasons and to avert danger, the event site will be video-monitored.

6. prohibitions

Visitors who are within the scope of this HBO are prohibited from carrying the following items and objects:

6.1) Weapons as well as other dangerous objects that are also capable of causing or causing injury.

6.2) Protective weapons or clothing or objects suitable as protective weapons and intended, according to the circumstances, to repel enforcement measures of a holder of sovereign powers.

6.3) Gas spray cans, corrosive or coloring substances, flammable liquids or pressurized containers for highly flammable or harmful gases, except for commercially available pocket lighters and liquid for e-cigarettes up to 50 ml.

6.4) Bottles (including PET bottles), cups, jugs, cans or other containers made of fragile, splintering or particularly hard material.

6.5) Bulky items such as ladders, stools, chairs, boxes, suitcases.

6.6) Firecrackers and fireworks, flares, rockets, Bengal fires, smoke powder, smoke bombs, flares and other pyrotechnic objects.

6.7) Flagpoles or banners as well as large banners, double holders and large quantities of paper or rolls of wallpaper.

6.8) Mechanically and/or electrically operated noise instruments and noise or voice amplification devices; laser pointers.

6.9) Food or beverages, especially alcoholic beverages of any kind and drugs.

6.10) Animals (except assistance dogs).

6.11) Propaganda material glorifying violence, racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic as well as radical right and left.

6.12) Clothing, flags, banners, patches and the like, the inscription of which is suitable to defame persons on the basis of their skin color, religion, origin, gender or sexual orientation or the inscription of which shows symbols that are anti-constitutional or, according to the recognized view, are to be located in the right-wing extremist or xenophobic area; the same applies to visible body signatures of this kind.

6.13) Objects which by their nature are suitable and intended for injury to persons or damage to property, in particular projectiles, poles and sticks (except for visitors with walking disabilities).

6.14) objects suitable and, according to the circumstances, intended to prevent the establishment of identity.

Visitors are also prohibited from:

6.15) Within the scope of this HBO, unmanned aerial systems (drones) are prohibited from taking off, flying and landing.

6.16) climb on or over structures and installations not intended for general use, in particular facades, fences, walls, wall parapets, enclosures of the event area, barriers, lighting installations, camera platforms, poles of all kinds, roofs including any guy wires and anchors, trees, hedges or roadside greenery, as well as planting areas of any kind;

6.17) Enter areas marked as off-limits to visitors, as well as occupy locations or spaces that the Organizer has not designated for the stay of visitors;

6.18) placing, attaching or storing objects;

6.19) unroll banners obstructing visibility for the purpose of concealing unauthorized actions;

6.20) to throw objects;

6.21) To light fires, set off fireworks, rockets, Bengal fire, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnic objects or to assist or incite to do so;

6.22) to display and sell goods, distribute printed matter or carry out collections and sell admission tickets without the necessary permits under public law and the permission of the organizer;

6.23) to inscribe, paint, paste, scratch, cauterize, or otherwise damage any structure, facility, tree, or pathway;

6.24) to defecate outside the toilets or to pollute the event premises in any other way, in particular by throwing away or leaving things lying around;

6.25) to express or spread slogans glorifying violence, racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic as well as right-wing and left-wing extremist slogans and to discriminate against population groups by means of statements, gestures or other behavior;

6.26) in an outfit that is suitable and, according to the circumstances, intended to prevent the identification of the person (prohibition of disguise);

6.27) To carry weapons or objects, which by their nature are suitable and intended for injury to persons or damage to property;

6.28) Constrict traffic areas, especially sidewalks and driveways, and place sales stands on green areas;

6.29) carrying bags and backpacks larger than 21 cm x 8 cm x 34 cm.

6.30) Bringing video cameras, SLR cameras, system or bridge cameras is not permitted.

Persons who violate these regulations will be denied access to the event premises or will be expelled from the event premises and will lose any right to a refund of the admission fee or the ticket value as well as to payment of any claims for damages. The organizer reserves the right to further legal remedies.

7. advertising and decoration

7.1) Advertising measures of any kind as well as the attachment of decorations and other objects are prohibited within the scope of this HBO, unless they are permitted on the basis of contractually stipulated agreements with the organizer or have been permitted by written approval of the organizer in individual cases.

7.2) Advertising measures are also those measures which are not carried out against payment of a separate fee, but which - for whatever reason - serve to advertise a company or a brand.

7.3) The organizer or the security organs may prevent advertising measures and, if necessary, seize advertising material used.

7.4) The distribution of flyers, advertising material, magazines and the like is only permitted with the approval of the organizer, irrespective of other official regulations.

8. sale of goods, food and beverages

The offering for sale and the sale of goods of all kinds, in particular merchandising articles as well as food and beverages, the distribution of printed matter or the carrying out of collections as well as the setting up of booths, stands and the like is prohibited, unless a contractual authorization and, if applicable, a required permit under public law have been obtained.

9. picture and sound recordings

Each visitor agrees that the organizer as well as third parties commissioned by the organizer are entitled within the scope of the event, without being obliged to pay any remuneration, to make picture and sound recordings of the visitors and/or to have them made by third parties, to reproduce them, to broadcast them and to use them in any audiovisual media and/or to have them reproduced, broadcast and used by third parties. § Section 23 (2) of the German Art Copyright Act (KunstUrhG) remains unaffected.

10. liability

10.1) The liability of the organizer, its legal representatives and vicarious agents for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health as well as liability under the Product Liability Act shall not be limited by these HBO. In order to avoid possible damage to hearing and health due to increased volume during the events, the use of appropriate hearing protection devices is advised.

10.2) Liability for other damages not mentioned in section 10.1 is excluded, unless the damages are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the organizer, its legal representatives and vicarious agents or on the breach of a duty that is essential for achieving the purpose of the contract. In the event of a breach of an essential contractual obligation, liability shall be limited to the foreseeable, typically occurring damage. The exemption from liability shall also apply to the liability of the organizer's vicarious agents and legal representatives. The organizer shall only be liable for the loss of and damage to stored items in the event of intent and gross negligence.

10.3) The organizer assumes no liability for damages caused by visitors, users, their agents or other third parties.

11. contractual penalties

For each case of a violation of clauses 5 - 8 of this HBO, the visitor shall forfeit a contractual penalty of up to € 2,500.00, unless the violation occurs without fault. The contractual penalty shall be determined by the organizer at its reasonable discretion and shall be reviewed by the competent court in the event of a dispute. Further claims for damages shall remain unaffected, whereby the contractual penalty shall be offset against claims for damages.

In the event of the unauthorized transfer of tickets, the contractual penalty provision pursuant to the Ticket Terms and Conditions shall apply.

12. final provisions

12.1) This HBO shall enter into force with effect from 02.11.2018.

12.2) Legal remedies against individual measures from this HBO are excluded, insofar as other legal bases do not contradict this.

12.3) These HBO can be changed by the organizer at any time and without giving reasons. Any new edition of these house rules automatically replaces any previous edition and thus invalidates the latter.